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Italiensk in italia l insieme di leggi che regolano i...
in italia l insieme di leggi che regolano i raporti giuridici privati si chiama codice codice civile contiene leggi che riguardano la famiglia,la successione,la proprieta i contratti e il lavoro. l abbreviazione del codice un numero indica l articolo del codice a ciu si fa riferimento.

Oversettelsen er fullført
Serbisk Skup zakona koji regulišu...
Italiensk Il contratto e un accordo tra due o piu parti per...
Il contratto e un accordo tra due o piu parti per constituire,regolare o estinguere tra loro un rapporto giuridico patrimoniale.L accordo delle parti e qiundi il requisito essenziale di un contrato.

Oversettelsen er fullført
Serbisk Ugovor je dogovor između dve ili više strana koje....
Engelsk I still don't have the answer...
I still do not have the answer. I can't figure it out for myself...I must tell you that I've had two experiences with men in my life. Well, I can say for sure that they were not love experiences, maybe it was simple affection. Both of them were ended by me. I understood that we had nothing in common and there was nothing to talk about. The last relationship I had was 8 months ago and...
Text corrected.<Lilian>
"? I still do not the answer, i can not figure it out for myself...I must tell you that i have two experiences with the men in my life. well, i can say for sure that it was not love experience, maybe it was simple affection. Both of them were ended by me. I understood that we had nothing in common and there were nothing to talk about. The last relationships i had 8 months ago and"

Oversettelsen er fullført
Serbisk Još uvek nemam odgovor...